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Business Insurance

Customer Service vs. Sales Culture

By July 21, 2014July 29th, 2019No Comments

More often than not, it seems that we all live in a profit and dollar-driven world. And as such, if you are going to manage a business, you will have to make some important decisions along these lines. More specifically, you must make the choice between customer service and a sales-driven culture.

We are of the belief that although sales is a necessity of functional business, without the customer service that customers need and deserve, there will be no sales. We at Nulty Insurance believe in putting the customer first, above all else. It is this dedication to you that in turn makes us successful in any other capacity.

Personal Insurance

When it comes to personal insurance products, we have a full line, ready to keep you covered in case of any event. Our client-base is very diverse, with mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, and more. Whether it is automobile, life, homeowners, or any other coverage, we have the level and type of insurance coverage to suit your specific needs.

Commercial Insurance

Some companies are small, consisting of just one or a few workers. Other businesses are much larger. Sometimes auto, health, and unemployment insurance are the only needs. In other cases, a company may need coverages for special hazards or other particular elements of their operational spectrum. Whatever your need or concern, we are proud to also be your premier source for commercial insurance coverage as well.

Here When and How You Need Us!

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